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Economic units implementing dual vocational education can benefit from financial support in Moldova

16:26 | 21.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 21 September /MOLDPRES/ - About 20 economic units from Moldova, which implement dual vocational educational, will be able to benefit from financial support worth up to 20,000 euros. The initiative was launched in Chisinau today. The files on participation in the contest can be submitted till 5 October.  

In the context, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) organized an information session for the economic units which implement the dual vocational education on the participation in the financial support scheme titled, Support for development of partnerships between companies and vocational education institutions through purchasing of equipment needed for training at the headquarters of economic units.    

Each project proposal should compulsorily include co-financing worth at least five per cent of the overall sum of financial support demanded. The total value of the financial support scheme is of 400,000 euros.   

The activity is carried out with the support of the project, Strong Enterprises and Communes for Moldova, financed by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the government of Switzerland. The project is implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).  







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