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Electric, hybrid cars increasingly popular in Moldova

10:49 | 22.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 22 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- Electric and hybrid cars are increasingly popular in the Republic of Moldova in the last two years, their number increasing significantly. According to the State Register of Transports, in 2023, 25,136 cars were first registered, of which 611 are with electric engines, and 4,471 with hybrid engines (compared to 2018, when only 42 electric cars and 3,497 hybrid cars), the Public Services Agency (ASP) has reported.

Every year on September 22, at the initiative of the European Commission, the World Car-Free Day is celebrated, promoting alternatives for non-polluting means of transport. Studies show that exhaust gases are the main source of air pollution, which affects human health and contributes to the effect of global warming.


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