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Moldovan president informs on organization of National Forum of Teachers

15:58 | 22.09.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 22 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today came up with an announcement for the teachers and school managers, thereby inviting them to discuss together the education at the National Forum of Teachers, due on 7 October, the presidential press service has reported.   

„My gratitude, our everybody’s gratitude for the job you do must be materialized in concrete things. We committed to enhance the prestige of your profession, to invest in the professional development of teachers, to modernize the school infrastructure and to make sure that the teachers are financially motivated to choose this difficult and responsible profession,’’ the Moldovan president stressed.    

Maia Sandu says that she launched the initiative to annually hold a platform of communication for the teachers from all over Moldova, along with the Education and Research Ministry and with the support of the country’s development partners. The event will start with a question-and-answer session, in which the head of state and Education and Research Minister Dan Perciun will participate. The special guest of the forum is Mircea Miclea, - author, psychologist, educator, entrepreneur, former education minister of Romania, founder of the cognitive psychological school from this country.         

 „I gladly invite you to participate in the first issue of the Forum. We will discuss opportunities and challenges, the good practices of Moldova and from the world and how can we enforce them in our schools, so that each child of Moldova can develop his/her potential and gifts. I urge you to register and let us be a big community, united by our passion for education. See you on 7 October!,’’ the head of state said.     

The National Forum of Teachers is organized at an initiative of President Maia Sandu by the Education and Research Ministry, with the support of the Future Technologies Activity in Moldova Project, financed by USAID, Sweden, the United Kingdom, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Norway, Japan, as well as the Orange Foundation, in partnership with the State University of Moldova, Mediacor and Class of Future.   

Photo: Presidency



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