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Six students of Nicolae Testemitanu Medical University of Moldova get merit scholarships on behalf of state

19:10 | 25.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau 25 September /MOLDPRES/ - Six students from the Nicolae Testemitanu State of University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) will receive education scholarships on behalf of the state for the academic performances and participation in extra-curricular activities.   

Eligible for the contest were day students who got an average mark not lower than 9 at the last summer examination session in the field of technical education, agrarian, economic, medical, military, law and real sectors (mathematics, informatics, physics, chemistry, biology) and not lower than 9.5 in other education sectors.   

Eighty eight aspirants from higher education institutions and 43 ones from vocational schools competed at the competition. The candidates were selected according to the following criteria: average marks, involvement in educational, research, cultural and sports activities, the number of publications.    

Seventy seven students and pupils from Moldova’s universities and colleges will enjoy financial support on behalf of the state: Scholarship of the Republic – 12, Scholarship of the Government – 30, Scholarship of the President – 15, Gaudeamus Scholarship - 20.  

Photo: USMF Nicolae Testemitanu



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