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Ministry of Defense: origin of object found in Transnistrian region unclear

13:29 | 25.09.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 25 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- The Ministry of Defense came up with a reaction on the alleged missile identified in the Transnistrian region. The institution informs that military observers of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces went to the spot.

"At this stage, the origin of the identified object is not clear, nor is its trajectory confirmed from independent sources. State authorities will continue to keep the public informed as we receive more verified information regarding this incident," the Ministry of Defense said.

Several pieces of rocket would have been found today in Chiţcani village.

According to Oleg Beleacov, head of the delegation of the Transnistrian region in the Joint Control Commission (JCC), the explosion was heard around 1:00 a.m., on the night of September 24 to 25, in several localities in the region. "It is about pieces of an S-300 missile, found in the garden of a private property, the explosion taking place in the air. There are no damages and victims", says Beleacov.

Several Internet users wrote on social networks that the explosions were also heard in many localities in Căușeni district, in close proximity to the Transnistrian region.


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