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Moldova, France boost cooperation in defence sector

16:44 | 25.09.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 25 September /MOLDPRES/ - The consolidation of the Moldovan-French dialogue today was discussed at a meeting between Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Minister of the Armed Forces of France Sébastien Lecornu, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.  

The officials referred to the multiplication of projects on interoperability between the two countries, which are to speed up the process of transformation of the National Army and of modernization of the defence sector.  

„Moldova and France have common interests as regards the stability in our region. Along with France, we are resolute to modernize the National Army, in order to cope with the security challenges,’’ PM Dorin Recean said.     

The officials referred to the letter of intent on bilateral cooperation, which will be signed by Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii and his French counterpart. The document will consolidate the bilateral dialogue between the two states, for the benefit of the defence reform and development of the dialogue with the French defence industry.  

Prime Minister Dorin Recean thanked Minister Sébastien Lecornu for the recent contribution of France to the fund of the NATO’s Defence and Related Security Capacity Building (DCB) Initiative, as well as for the support within the European Union’s European Peace Facility, from which Moldova benefits.    

Photo: Government








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