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About 60 thousand people participated in Moldovan Wine Festival, organized in Bucharest

12:23 | 26.09.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 26 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- About 60 thousand people participated in the Moldovan Wine Festival, organized in Bucharest, during which 44 wineries and cellars from our country presented the best wine products.

Access to the festival was free, and for those who wanted to taste the exhibited wines, the organizers offered two package options: one standard and one VIP. 

National Inbound and Domestic Tourism Association of Moldova (ANTRIM) was present at the event with a stand dedicated to the promotion of Moldova's tourist offer. ANTRIM executive director Elena Stepanov said that informative materials about tourist destinations in Moldova, brochures with tour offers of local operators, tourist maps of Moldova and Chisinau were available at the association's stand. Visitors also had the opportunity to virtually explore 20 tourist destinations in Moldova, using virtual reality glasses.

At the same time, guests had access to detailed information about the Wine Road of Moldova, the first cultural route in the Republic of Moldova recognized by the Council of Europe, as a component of "ITER VITIS – Les chemins de la vigne", a pan-European wine tourism route celebrating the wine heritage of 18 European countries. 

Statistics show that Romanians are second in the list of tourists from foreign countries who visited Moldova. This confirms that Romania remains a market of major interest for the promotion of Moldova as a tourist and wine destination. 




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