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Head of Moldova's Audiovisual Council, jurnalist get ban on entering Russia

16:37 | 04.10.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 4 October /MOLDPRES/ - The head of the Audiovisual Council, Liliana Vitu, and journalist Mihail Sircheli have got ban on entering Russia.   

The information was confirmed for MOLDPRES by representatives of the press service of the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry (MAEIE).  

The quoted source specified that a notification to this effect on 3 October had been handed over to Moldova’s Ambassador to Russia Lilian Darii, who was summoned at the headquarters of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry. Subsequently, the official informed the Moldovan authorities about the notification received.    

The MAEIE representatives noted that ‘’the document does not stipulate the period, during which the access of people to Russia will be banned.’’  

At the same time, the MAEIE press service stressed that the ‘’decision was taken by the Russian authorities, after the head of the Sputnik Moldova press agency, Vitalii Denisov, had been expelled from our country.’’    

Also, Moldova’s Ambassador to Russia was informed that, following the expulsion of the head of the Sputnik Moldova press agency, the Russian side came up with a list of people who are banned from entering Russia; this list includes the aforementioned two persons too.  

The head of Sputnik, Vitalii Denisov, was expelled from Moldova on 13 September and got an interdiction to enter the country for 10 years, being suspected of ‘’interference with the domestic affairs.’’ At that time, Moscow criticized Moldova’s decision and announced a list of 20 people, among whom 18 MPs of the Action and Solidarity Party, the deputy director of the Border Police, Oleg Bucataru, and the director of the Independent Press Association, Petru Macovei, who are banned from entering the territory of Russia.  

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