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Ruslan Bolbocean to be new Moldova's Ambassador to United Kingdom

17:27 | 04.10.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 4 October /MOLDPRES/ - Ruslan Bolbocean might be nominated Moldova’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom. The parliament’s commission for foreign policy and European integration today approved the consultative notification for his candidacy.   

Presently, Ruslan Bolbocean holds the position of state secretary at the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry (MAEIE). During 2016-2021, Bolbocean acted as Moldova’s ambassador to Uzbekistan, Armenia and Turkmenistan.  

Under the Law on diplomatic service, the proposals on the appointment to the office of ambassador are submitted to the government by MAEIE, with the consultation of the parliament’s commission for foreign affairs and European integration.  

Photo: Parliament



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