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Moldovan-German bilateral agreement in agro-food sector signed in Chisinau

15:10 | 06.10.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 6 October /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Vladimir Bolea and Germany’s Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture  Cem Özdemir signed the bilateral Moldovan-German Agreement on cooperation in the agro-food sector in Chisinau today.

The speeding up of the economic development of the rural settlements, promotion of exports of agro-food products, adoption of modern technologies of production and processing, development of the horticultural and wine-making and vine-growing sectors and the adjusting of policies for the high value sectors are some of the directions on which the efforts of the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry will be focused with Germany’s support. ‘’The challenges from the agricultural sector are complex and the support of Germany is essential for continuing the reforms in agriculture and rural development, as well as for the accession to the European Union,’’ Vladimir Bolea said.     

The signing of the agreement was preceded by a meeting of Deputy PM Bolea with Cem Özdemir, which took place at the Giurgiulesti Free International Port on 5 October.  

The officials discussed aspects on the exports of agricultural goods on navigable ways, the mechanisms of transshipment and the authorities’ interest in optimizing and modernizing the port operations.   

"The Moldovan economic agents were used to carry out their export activities by road; yet, in the present context, we notice that this option is absolutely inefficient when it comes to the transportation of cereals,’’ Vladimir Bolea said.  

The officials visited the infrastructure of the port complex, where they assessed the investments needed to enhance the traffic of agricultural goods. ‘’Moldova was in solidarity with Ukraine and now we must show solidarity with Moldova and not for a short period of time, but in a long-lasting partnership. Today, I take advantage of the opportunity to invite my colleague to the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture, due in next January, where we will discuss concrete measures of helping Moldova, including with the G7 states,’’ the German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture said

The German official is in Chisinau to participate in the event on the launch of the Agro-food Partnership Platform – an initiative the goal of which is to stimulate the cooperation and accelerate the reforms in Moldova’s agro-food sector.  







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