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Moldovan president meets North Carolina Secretary of State

13:38 | 12.10.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, Oct. 12 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu met with North Carolina Secretary of State Elaine F. Marshall in Chisinau, the presidential press service has reported.

The officials approached the strong cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the United States of America and the deepening of friendly relations in areas of common interest.

The head of state appreciated Secretary Marshall's personal and long-term contribution to Moldova's partnership with the state of North Carolina, noting that this visit is another proof that Moldova is not alone in its fight for democracy.

Maia Sandu reiterated the intention to fully turn to good account the partnership with the state of North Carolina in several important areas: energy, justice, public security, agriculture, cyber security, health sector, climate security, digital economy, as well as increasing academic exchanges.

Photo: Presidency





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