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European Village: Two regional development projects completed in Glodeni district

12:34 | 24.10.2023 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Oct. 24 /MOLDPRES/- As part of the European Village Program, two local development projects have been completed in Hâjdieni and Ciuciulea villages, Glodeni district.

According to the National Office for Regional and Local Development, with funding of around 8 million lei (415 thousand euros) from the National Fund for Regional Local Development, more than 6 kilometers of aqueduct were built in Hâjdieni.

In Ciuciulea, over 250 students can benefit from a renovated canteen, thanks to the investment of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 2.3 million lei.

The European Village Program includes 497 local development projects, of which 229 have been completed.

Photo: ONDRL




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