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Ensuring of public order, free movement during 5 November ballot on agenda of meeting of Joint Control Commission

15:33 | 02.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 2 November /MOLDPRES/ - The issue of the illegal posts and the abuses committed by the Transnistrian structures in the Security Zone represented the principal subject on the agenda of Moldova’s Delegation, which today participated in a weekly meeting of the Joint Control Commission (JCC) in Bender, the Reintegration Policies Bureau has reported.      

As for the earlier signaled fact on the unauthorized works on the road which connects the Bender and Varnita settlements, Transnistrian regions’ representatives gave explanations, alleging that they are aimed at setting a metal parapet with a length of 225 metres and a height of 75 centimeters. They said that passages would be envisaged through the concerned installation and that it would not jeopardize the movement.  

The Moldovan delegation also said that a new blockage had been ascertained in the peacekeeping mechanism this week, as Tiraspol’s representatives in the Joint Military Command hindered the movement of military observers for the documentation, under the regulation, of infringements dealing with the change of the infrastructure at the posts of the unconstitutional structures.  

In the context of the holding of the general local elections on 5 November 2023, Moldova’s delegation noted that conditions would be provided in the Security Zone, in the locations under the control of the  authorities, for the participation of the residents in the voting procedure, in accordance with the rights established by the national legislation and the international norms. The delegation members stressed that forces of the territorial subdivisions of the General Police Inspectorate deployed in the Security Zone would be involved in the measures of keeping the public order.      

In the context, the Chisinau’s delegation warned the Transnistrian side to exclude any provocations of worsening the situation. The participants in the Joint Control Commission, including representatives of the OSCE Mission and Ukraine, were asked to contribute to the ensuring of order and free movement of the citizens on the day of elections.  



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