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Dignity and Truth Party candidate: Chisinau needs to solve systemic problems

12:44 | 05.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Nov. 5 /MOLDPRES/- Chisinau needs to solve systemic problems. Dignity and Truth Party candidate for Chisinau mayor Victor Chironda made the statement today. He cast his vote in the general local elections.

"I came to vote with good thoughts and the hope that we will manage to return the Chisinau city hall to the people, we will succeed in freeing the city hall from politics, corruption, incompetence, we will finally succeed in giving Chisinau residents a city hall institution that works for the people," said Chironda.

He also said that Chisinau needs sustainable development and urged the citizens to vote. 

General local elections are taking place in the Republic of Moldova today, 898 mayors and 11,058 local councilors will be elected.


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