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About 18% of voters cast ballots by 12:00 p.m.

13:13 | 05.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Nov. 5 /MOLDPRES/- About 18% of voters had cast ballots at the general local elections by 12:00 p.m. Central Electoral Commission (CEC) head Angelica Caraman unveiled the data at a press briefing.

The CEC leadership said that over 500,000 voters had cast vote by 12:00. "Compared to 2019, there is a 3% decrease in votes. The highest voter turnout rate is recorded in Pocrovca locality, Dondușeni district - over 54% of voters, and the lowest rate is in Salcia locality, Taraclia district - less than 1% of voters," said Caraman.

She said that in the municipality of Chisinau the voting participation rate is around 14%. "The most active are the inhabitants of the Botanica sector - 13.45%, and the lowest rate is found in the Buiucani sector - 12.63%. In the municipality of Balti, the voting rate is 15%", said Caraman.

At the same time, the CEC leadership emphasized that in Cantemir, the voting process was resumed at 10 a.m., after the reprinting of the ballots.

Also, CEC members said that the General Police Inspectorate was notified in 20 cases of electoral campaigning. 

The CEC urges citizens to report cases of possible violations in the electoral process.

Today, general local elections are held in the Republic of Moldova. 2,758,810 voters are expected at the polls.


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