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Candidate Ion Ceban: presence of Chisinau residents at voting significant

22:15 | 05.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 5 November /MOLDPRES/ - The presence of the Chisinau residents at the voting has been significant, for which I thank them on behalf of the entire team. The candidate of the National Alternative Movement Party (MAN) for the office of Chisinau mayor, Ion Ceban, today made statements to this effect.       

At a news conference, Ceban stressed that, for his team, it was now important to ensure the security of the vote of each citizen. ‘’Besides the official figures provided by the Central Electoral Commission, according to our information, about 12,000 votes were expressed on additional lists. We will be vigilant and will thoroughly count each vote. We are to see for whom the citizens have voted,’’ Ion Ceban said.   

The MAN’s candidate for the Chisinau mayor position noted that his entire team was at the headquarters of the party and in the polling stations. ‘’We have practically members in each polling station. They will monitor the counting process. We will receive the votes given by the citizens in a natural way,’’ Ceban specified.   

General local elections were held in Moldova today. The polling stations were opened at 21:00. As many as 1,147,551 electors (about 41.4 per cent) out of those 2,758,810 ones registered in lists voted till this hour. The preliminary results of the ballot are to be announced at 22:00.  



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