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Moldovan Central Electoral Commission processes 56 out of 60 reports from polling stations of Balti city

01:06 | 06.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 6 November /MOLDPRES/ - After the processing of 56 out of 60 official reports, most likely, the candidate of Our Party for the office of Balti city mayor, Alexandr Petkov, and an independent candidate, Arina Corsicova, will compete in the runoff election.

According to the preliminary results of the Central Electoral Commission, Arina Corsicova got 22 per cent of the votes and Alexandr Petkov – 22 per cent. The next candidate in the electoral preferences of the Balti residents is Maxim Morosan from the Party of Socialists with 19 per cent of the votes.  

Fourteen electoral contenders ran for the office of Balti mayor.


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