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CEC preliminary data: Ion Ceban picks up over 50 percent of votes of Chisinau residents

09:23 | 06.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Nov. 6 /MOLDPRES/- According to the preliminary results presented by the CEC, after counting 304 out of the 305 reports (about 60%), MAN candidate Ion Ceban has got over 50.5% of the processed votes, and PAS candidate Lilian Carp - 28, 2 percent.

The CEC preliminary data show that on Sunday, in the municipality of Chisinau, the turnout at the ballot boxes was 40.9% (266,978 people).

27 candidates applied for mayor of the capital.

The electoral legislation stipulates that the candidate for the position of mayor is considered elected if he received more than half of the votes.

If no candidate receives more than half of the votes, the runoff election is organized within two weeks.


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