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Stela Braniște - appointed as deputy secretary of Ministry of Justice

11:35 | 08.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Nov. 8 /MOLDPRES/- Stela Braniște was appointed as deputy secretary of the Ministry of Justice. Government took the decision today.

Minister of Justice Veronica Mihailov-Moraru submitted the proposal at the cabinet meeting. "Stela Braniște has a degree in law, holds a master's degree in international law. She has been working at the Ministry of Justice since 2006, having over 16 years of experience in public office, and her professional career includes activities in executive and management positions. She has extensive expertise in cooperation with international and regional structures", said Veronica Mihailov - Moraru.

Currently, Stela Braniște serves as head of the International Relations Department of the Ministry of Justice.


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