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Moldovan citizens evacuated from Gaza Strip arrive in Moldova

18:29 | 09.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 9 November /MOLDPRES/ - The Moldovan authorities, through the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry (MAEIE), have managed to evacuate 36 Moldovan citizens from the Gaza Strip, through the Rafah border crossing point to the Egypt Arab Republic, the MAEIE press service has reported.   

The evacuated Moldovans were provided with the transport means to Cairo, health insurances, food products, as well as essential products. On the Rafah-Cairo route, the security of Moldova’s citizens was ensured with the support of the Egyptian authorities.    

From Cairo, the Moldovan citizens, along with the evacuated Romanian citizens, flew to Bucharest by a plane made available by Romania’s Foreign Affairs Ministry. MAEIE Secretary General Mihai Mitu in Bucharest met the Moldovan citizens and accompanied them home. In Chisinau, Prime Minister Dorin Recean welcomed the Moldovans and assured them that the authorities would support them in continuation. PM Recean thanked the Romanian friends and partners for the support and assistance provided.       

The Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry and the country’s diplomatic missions keep a constant relation with the authorities of the states involved in the repatriation operation, including the State of Israel, Egypt, Romania and Ukraine, for the operation’s carrying out in good conditions.      

MAEIE recommends that the citizens from the concerned region, who still have not provided information on their presence, take connection with the diplomatic mission to tell their contact data. This will ensure a continuous communication with the Embassy.   





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