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Moldovan president congratulates fine artist on 90th birthday anniversary

17:32 | 10.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 10 November /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has conveyed a congratulatory message to fine artist Elena Bontea, called Queen of Colour, on the occasion of the marking of her 90th birthday anniversary.     

Elena Bontea has a remarkable artistic career, which started 70 years ago and she is regarded as a unique artist and a good knower of the human nature. ‘’Through her pictures, Elena Bontea immortalized a group of our personalities from the culture sector – works which presently enrich the funds of the most important museums of Moldova,’’ President Maia Sandu said.

The head of state also said that the trained and sensitive eye of the fine artist showed us, spectators, the seen and unseen parts of the world where we live, as well as the colours of the spiritual states. ‘’Through her works, Moldova traveled and was seen and admired in the most unexpected parts of the world. We wish Mrs. Bontea many autumns full of inspiration, good health, appetite for life an happiness to see the beauty every day!,’’ Maia Sandu said in her congratulation.        



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