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Moldova's Ambassador to Russia summoned at Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry

20:30 | 20.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 20 November /MOLDPRES/ - Moldova’s Ambassador to Russia Lilian Darii today afternoon was summoned at the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Russia. The ambassador was handed over a protest note on the ‘’persecution of the Russian language media’’ in Moldova and the ban on the entry in Russia for 11 MPs.    

Igor Zaharov, the adviser on communication of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Minister Nicu Popescu, has confirmed the information for MOLDPRES.

„I can confirm the summoning of Ambassador Lilian Darii in Moscow and the banning of the entry to Russia for 11 lawmakers. No matter the decisions or answers of Moscow, we commit to continue to protect our information space against any foreign interference and to maintain a firm position against the misinformation, hybrid attacks and the attempts of our country’s destabilization,’’ Igor Zaharov said.    

Moldova’s Ambassador to Russia Lilian Darii was summoned at the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry also in last October. At that time, the protest note on the ‘’persecution of the Russian language media in Moldova’’ was handed over to the Moldovan diplomat.     



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