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Moldovan foreign affairs minister says agrees on working visits on 35 chapters of negotiation with EU

18:48 | 21.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 November /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs and European Integration Minister Nicu Popescu has paid a working visit to Brussels, along with a team of the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry (MAEIE), State Chancellery and Finance Ministry, following the European Commission’s recommendation on the starting of the negotiations on accession to EU, the MAEIE’s press service reported.   

On the sidelines of the working visit, Foreign Affairs Minister Nicu Popescu had a meeting with the director general of the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, Gert-Jan Koopman. The officials tackled the next steps in the country’s process of accession to EU. Moldova has made significant progress in the implementation of the European Commission’s recommendations, with a rate of implementation of 94 per cent.   

„We discussed, in detail, the actions which must be finished till March 2024, putting emphasis on the continuation of the reform in the judicial system and in the de-oligarchization process.  

In Brussels, I also discussed with Director for Eastern Neighbourghood, Lawrence Meredith, Head of Unit for Georgia and Moldova Diana Jablonska and Head of Unit for Regional Policy and Strategy for Western Balkans Thomas Hagleitner. The European officials assured us of every support of the European institutions in our process of accession to EU.       

We agreed that, on the next period, we would initiate working visits with the heads and members of the working groups on those 35 chapters due to be negotiated with the European Union,’’ Nicu Popescu said.   





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