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Mandate of elected mayor of Moldovan capital validated

11:41 | 22.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, Nov. 22 /MOLDPRES/- The mandate of the elected mayor of Chisinau, Ion Ceban, was validated today by the Electoral Council of the electoral district (CECE).

The CECE Chisinau decision entered into force and was sent to the Central Electoral Commission. This can be challenged within 3 days.

Today, CECE Chisinau also validated the mandates of the new municipal councilors of Chisinau, made up of 51 people. Thus, the parties PAS and MAN obtained 20 mandates each, PSRM - six mandates, PCRM - two mandates, another three councilor mandates were assigned to candidates of Renaissance Party, DA Platform and Our Party.

Over 51 percent of voters voted for Ion Ceban at the 5 November polls.


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