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Moldovan government to ask parliament to extend state of emergency for another 30 days

13:25 | 22.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, Nov. 22 /MOLDPRES/- The state of emergency could be extended for another 30 days from 1 December. A decision to this effect was approved at the cabinet meeting, following the proposal of the Commission for Emergency Situations, chaired by Prime Minister Dorin Recean. The document is to be submitted to parliament for adoption, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

According to the report of the Intelligence and Security Service, the need to extend the state of emergency is determined by the uncertainty regarding the further developments of the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and some risks that may affect the Republic of Moldova.

During the cold season, there is a high probability that the Russian armed forces will intensify attacks on the Ukrainian energy infrastructure, which could lead to the disruption of the electricity supply of the Republic of Moldova. In this context, extending the state of emergency would allow the Government to take the necessary measures to ensure, maintain and strengthen the energy security of our country.

The Russian external factor's involvement in the tendencies to destabilize the situation in Moldova continues, as well as hybrid threats. Given the strengthening of externally guided informational influence with elements of disinformation, it is anticipated that the amplitude of fake news, manipulations and the promotion of distorted messages will continue. Extending the state of emergency will give the authorities the opportunity to take prompt decisions and effectively manage potential risks in this area.


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