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Moldovan parliament speaker says authorities rely on vote of Austrian friends at European Council in next December

19:05 | 22.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 22 November /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu in Vienna has had a meeting with his Austrian counterpart Wolfgang Sobotka, President of the National Council of Austria, the parliament’s communication and public relations reported.    

The two speakers discussed Moldova’s progress, which had led to the European Commission’s recommendation to start negotiations with Moldova, as well as the actions which must be finished in the near future, such as the justice reform and the de-oligarchization process, energy security and the strengthening of the state’s institutions, in order to cope with all challenges.     

„On visit to Vienna, I make sure once again that Moldova has reliable friends in the European Union countries and good backers of our country,’’ Igor Grosu stressed.  

At the same time, the parliament speaker reiterated that Moldova was ready to start the negotiations on accession as soon as possible. Igor Grosu noted that Moldova was presently in a comprehensive process of self-assessment of the national legislation’s compliance with the EU’s acquis. The sides agreed on boosting the cooperation within the friendship group, as well as within the specialty commissions.   

Also today, the Moldovan parliament speaker discussed with the members of the parliamentary friendship group Austria-Moldova and the members of the parliamentary Foreign Policy Committee. Igor Grosu thanked them for their continuous support in Moldova’s way of accession to the European Union through concrete projects, such as the ones from infrastructure, energy, industry and Austrian investments. In the end of the discussion with the Austrian MPs, Igor Grosu said that Moldova relied on Austria’s vote at the European Council, due in Brussels in next December, during which the opening of the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to EU will be decided.       

Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu, accompanied by a parliamentary delegation, pays an official visit to Austria on 21-23 November 2023, at an invitation by his Austrian counterpart.  





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