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Moldovan PM meets regional director for Europe of United Nations Refugee Agency

19:25 | 22.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 22 November /MOLDPRES/ - The integration of the Ukrainian refuges in the society, their employment and providing the comfort needed to mothers and children have been just several subjects discussed by Prime Minister Dorin Recean at an official meeting with the Regional Director for Europe of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) Philippe Leclerc.  

According to the government’s communication and protocol department, PM Dorin Recean thanked UNHCR for the efforts of backing the refugees from Moldova and for the constant involvement in the settlement of the challenges triggered by the war in Ukraine.    

„We are proud with the people of Moldova, some whom still presently host refugees and even made them part of their families. We continue taking care of those about 80,000 citizens who fled the war and provide  them with the comfort needed. Our current priority is to integrate the children in schools and kindergartens and the parents should find a job,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.     

For his part, Philippe Leclerc expressed gratitude, on behalf of UNHCR’s entire team, for the actions undertaken by the Moldovan authorities in the management of the humanitarian situation of the refugees, as well as for the goodwill and hospitability proved by Moldova’s citizens.       

„Moldova is a good example to show for the entire world. We will continue backing the government’s efforts. We are sure that the refugees will manage to integrate into society and even to contribute to the country’s economic development,’’ Philippe Leclerc added.   




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