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EcoContact attends event dedicated to Black Sea Common Maritime Agenda

11:56 | 23.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Nov. 23 /MOLDPRES/- EcoContact association, represented by executive director Natalia Guranda is participating in Black Sea Common Maritime Agenda Stakeholder Conference (CMA) on November 22-23. The event is hosted by the European Commission and Romania, at the headquarters of the National Bank of Romania in Bucharest, and gathered over 150 participants from six countries.

The CMA is the first initiative of its kind, meant to strengthen regional cooperation and the sustainable blue economy. The implementation of the CMA is ensured through annual coordination, by rotation, by one of the 6 participating states – Bulgaria, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine. "In 2023 the coordination of the CMA was ensured by Romania, however director of the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Charlina Vitcheva voiced hope that Moldova will take over the coordination of the CMA for 2024", mentions EcoContact.

The event aims to strengthen the dialogue between all stakeholders in the Black Sea region, such as local and regional authorities, representatives of regional projects, academia and research, civil society, industry, international organizations etc.

The representatives of the central public authorities and civil society from the Republic of Moldova participate in the Technical Group on fishing and aquaculture, which will focus on the creation of an action plan aimed at this topic. In particular, in the context of the harmonization of legislation, Moldova is interested in taking over some good practices of the countries participating in the CMA, EcoContact said.


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