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Moldovan PM in Calarasi says efforts of settlements' modernization must be sped up

16:01 | 23.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 23 November /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Dorin Recean has had a meeting with the mayors elected of those 28 settlements of the district in Calarasi. In the discussion, emphasis was put on the present challenges nationally and locally, as well as on the fostering of the processes of settlements’ modernization, of improving the social services provided to citizens, of attracting investments and implementation of projects on infrastructure, environment, education and health, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.    

The participants in the meeting also referred to the reform of the public administration for 2023-2030, with emphasis on the process of amalgamation in areas. 

The PM informed the mayors about the efforts made by the authorities to improve the economy, consolidate the state’s institutions and modernize the country. Also, Prime Minister Dorin Recean emphasized the importance of the cooperation between the cabinet and the local administrations and encouraged the local authorities to identify optimum solutions to solve the problems of the communities they lead, including through the creation of projects and submitting files to national programmes underway.    

„Comfortable settlements, with modern infrastructure and accessible and quality public services are just some of the priorities which the mayors elected from the Calarasi district should fulfill in the upcoming mandate. In the last two years, the Calarasi district has benefited from financing for 32 projects on local development within the European Village and Express European Village programmes. These efforts must be accelerated and the government will continue to back the implementation of the projects on modernization and development of settlements,’’ PM Dorin Recean said.     

Dorin Recean urged the mayors to adopt transparent and responsible practices of government; he also referred to the importance of the involvement of each Moldova’s citizen in the process of advancement on the European agenda: ‘’On our way of accession to EU, each of us, beginning with authorities, up to citizens, must mobilize. By edifying Europe at home, we continue our efforts of aligning with the European standards, we modernize the settlements and consolidate the state’s institutions.’’  






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