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Moldova represented at one of largest tourism industry fairs in Central and Eastern Europe

13:37 | 24.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Nov. 24 /MOLDPRES/- Moldova is represented at one of the largest events in the tourism industry in Central and Eastern Europe –  TT Warsaw 2023 International Tourism Fair, held on November 23 -25 in Poland.

According to the Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Poland, our country participated the seventh consecutive time in the international event, promoting the enogastronomic, wine, hiking, as well as business and medical tourism offers. The range of services and the diversity of the interactive tourist offer could also be appreciated virtually, through VR glasses and augmented reality.

The fair offers exhibitors the opportunity to promote tourist destinations, acting as a platform for exchanging ideas, establishing business contacts and initiating new partnerships. The event aims to increase bilateral tourism exchanges and provide an opportunity for companies in the tourism industry to present their products and services to potential partners and travelers from other countries. The exhibition is accompanied by conferences and meetings dedicated to tourism, as well as a rich program of events for visitors.





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