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Emergency state extended in Moldova till end of 2023 year

15:28 | 24.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 24 November /MOLDPRES/ - The state of emergency has been extended by 30 days starting from 1 December 2023. Sixty MPs voted for a draft law to this end.   

The proposal on the prolongation of the emergency state belongs to the government. According to the informative note to the legislative initiative, this is prompted by the evil dynamic of the regional security in the last months, by multiple uncertainties as to the subsequent developments of the war waged by Russia against Ukraine, which keeps high security risks, which can hit Moldova too. More exactly, during the cold season, there is the risk that the Russian armed forces boost their attacks on the Ukrainian energy infrastructure. This might have negative consequences on the supplies of electric energy to Moldova. At the same time, the direct risks of energy insecurity cannot be ruled out, triggered by the decrease in the volume of natural gas delivered by Russia.        

The informative note to the draft also reads that, in continuation, the involvement of the Russian external factor in tendencies of Moldova’s destabilization is recorded.  Also, in the context of the boosting of Moldova’s European integration efforts and of backing the EU’s common security and defence policy, the premises of asymmetric and disproportional answers to the principal vulnerable strategic segments of Moldova are maintained, through informative and subversive operations by Russian special services.       

On the period of the emergency state, Moldova’s Commission for Emergency Situations will issue compulsory and executory instructions for the heads of the central and local public administration authorities, of economic agents, of public institutions, as well as for citizens and other people who are on the territory of Moldova.  

The parliament declared state of emergency all over Moldova on 24 February 2022.  



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