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Four laws to be brought in line with Venice Commission's recommendations in Moldova

16:33 | 24.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 November /MOLDPRES/ - Four laws adopted in the context of the implementation of the justice reform will be brought in line with the recommendations formulated by the Venice Commission. Sixty two lawmakers today voted a draft law to this end in the second reading.      

Thus, based on recommendations by the Venice Commission, the law on the external evaluation of judges and prosecutors was amended. The proposals are aimed at avoiding the repeated organization of contests for the leadership offices from the prosecution and judicial systems, if the winner candidate fails to pass the evaluation.   

Also, based on the notification by the Venice Commission, the Law on the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) was changed, in order to de-block the CSJ’s work as regards the issuance of consultative opinions in the criminal procedure of unification of the judicial practice. The authors also proposed to amend the Law on measures related to the selection of candidate for the position of member in the bodies of self-management of judges and prosecutors, as well as of the law on the external evaluation of judges and the candidates to the office of judge of the Supreme Court of Justice.      



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