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Meteorologists warn about complicated weather conditions in Moldova on next days

19:46 | 24.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 November /MOLDPRES/ - The State Hydrometeorological Service (SHS) has announced a Yellow and Orange Codes of complicated weather conditions for 25-26 November.   

According to meteorologists, on the concerned period, the north-western wind will have gustings of up to 15-20 metres/second; sleet and snow are expected, heavy ones in some regions (15-25 litres/square metre).   

Orange Code is forecast in the central and southern regions, with heavy precipitation expected (25-45 litres square metre), predominantly sleet and snow, gustings of the north-eastern wind of up to 18-23 metres/second. Glazed frost and blizzard are forecast in places.      

In case of Yellow Code, the weather conditions are potentially dangerous, the forecast meteorological phenomena are usual for Moldova; yet, they may temporarily become dangerous for certain social and economic activities.

In case of Orange Code, the weather conditions pose real danger; dangerous phenomena of great intensity are forecast (storm, heavy thunderstorm rains, hail, frost, flood risk, etc.), which can negatively influence the social and economic activities, can cause substantial material damage and human victims.  



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