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Border traffic in winter conditions

18:00 | 26.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Nov. 26 /MOLDPRES/- At the eastern, western and southern borders of the country, vehicle traffic is carried out in winter conditions, the roads to the border are passable. Border Police is in permanent contact with relevant institutions in the Republic of Moldova, and partner authorities from neighboring countries in order to inform traffic participants about road conditions and possible traffic restrictions.

The border with Romania: currently, traffic is restricted through the Cahul PTF, because the Romanian authorities have announced that they are suspending the temporary passage through the Oancea PTF, due to bad weather conditions.

The border with Ukraine: it is difficult to travel through PTF Palanca, which periodically interrupts its activity, because the cables connecting to the Internet network were damaged due to the strong wind. The specialists are working to eliminate the deficiencies, the transport is redirected to PTF Tudora.

At the same time, due to bad weather conditions, for today, several flights to and from Turkey were canceled in Chisinau International Airport. Passengers are advised to check the flight schedule in advance to avoid any misunderstandings.

The rest of the state border crossing points operate normally.






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