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Moldovan official journal roundup for today

09:45 | 27.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, Nov. 27 /MOLDPRES/- The national climate change adaptation program until 2030 and the action plan for its implementation were published in the Official Journal today.

The program sets objectives aimed at increasing the climate resilience of six essential sectors: agriculture, health, transport, energy, water and forestry. By adopting the program, our country aimed to adjust to global efforts to limit the negative impact of climate change.

According to reports, it is estimated that the implementation of the actions included in the document will bring benefits to the national economy of more than 100 million dollars annually, by ensuring better protection against current and future harmful climate impacts.

The Republic of Moldova is one of the most vulnerable countries in Europe to climate change, prone to floods and droughts. The 2008 floods caused more than $120 million damage, and the droughts that occurred between 2007 and 2012 brought major economic losses, affecting 80% of the country's territory.




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