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Moldovan PM conveys message of appreciation to those involved in liquidating consequences of bad weather

09:57 | 27.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Nov. 27 /MOLDPRES/- Prime Minister Dorin Recean sent a message of appreciation to all those who were involved in liquidating the consequences of the bad weather.

"Thank you to all the people involved in liquidating the consequences caused by yesterday's bad weather - emergency crews, rescuers and firefighters, policemen, servicemen, medical staff, roadmen and everyone who did their duty in these emergency circumstances. Your work not only facilitated the movement on the national routes and helped the citizens, but also brought a sense of security", said Recean.

According to the prime minister, until now, more than 1,400 policemen have been and are on duty on the national routes, another 800 border policemen, 400 rescuers, 300 employees of road maintenance services, 160 carabineers continue to step in to help those stranded. Also, dozens of teams of electricians are working in 147 localities in the country to reconnect them to electricity.

"The International Airport has returned to its normal work rhythm. Starting from yesterday evening, all the flights land and take off normally", he said.

According to the data of the State Road Administration, in the last 24 hours, 460 technical units and 466 workers were involved in the work of clearing snow from the roadway and spreading anti-skid material, mainly in the center and south of the country, being scattered around 4383 tons of anti-slip material.


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