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MPs from 16 countries in Chisinau adopt Resolution on support for European integration

16:51 | 27.11.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 27 November /MOLDPRES/ - A Resolution on the support for the European integration and promotion of the sustainable development of the region of the Central European Initiative (CEI) was adopted at the Meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Parliamentary Dimension of the Central European Initiative by lawmakers from 16 countries.  

The Resolution states CEI’s role as efficient and important forum of regional cooperation, which combines the multilateral diplomacy with regional projects and promotes fundamental values aligned with European Union’s ones. Through the adoption of the Resolution, the participants in the meeting stressed the relevance of a better defined framework of interests on behalf of the CEI member states and the importance of bringing together the European Union member states and the ones which aspire to the future accession to EU.    

„The regional cooperation within CEI is essential for the accomplishment of the integrated connectivity between the European Union and its partners from the eastern neighbourhood, thus promoting the European integration process as the only way of stability and security,’’ the Resolution reads.    

At the same time, the participants in the meeting reiterated their willingness to take joint efforts, in order to give a new political impetus to CEI’s action. In this respect, they proposed to create a Convention for Consolidation of the Central European Initiative, in the form of an ad-hoc working group.   

Moldova’s parliament today hosted the Meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Parliamentary Dimension of the Central European Initiative. This year, Moldova holds CEI’s chairmanship and Albania is to take it over in 2024.   

Moldova has been member of the Central European Initiative since 1996.  



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