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Five schools of Moldova do not work over interruption of power supply

15:40 | 28.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 November /MOLDPRES/ - Five general education institutions today did not work because of the interruption of the power supply, triggered by the bad weather conditions of the last days. Another six schools held classes online.     . 

According to the Education and Research Ministry, the institutions which continue not to work are: Gymnasium Metropolitan Gurie Grosu from the Nimoreni village, Ialoveni district; Theoretical Lyceum from the Ciumai village and the Gymnasium-kindergarten Dimitrie Cantemir from the Aluatu village, Taraclia district; Gymnasium from the Bugeac village and Gymnasium Serghei Rudenco from the Vulcanesti town, Autonomous Territorial Unit (UTA) of Gagauzia. As many as 829 children study at these institutions in all.      

The way and the schedule of recovering the classes will be decided by the specialty local/municipal bodies, jointly with the education institutions’ administration.    

Among the schools which continue to hold classes online, there are: the Mihai Eminescu Theoretical Lyceum from the Cahul city; Stefan Voda Theoretical Lyceum, Dimitrie Cantemir Gymnasium and the Grigore Vieru Primary School from the Stefan Voda town; Vlad Iovita Theoretical Lyceum from the Cocieri village, Dubasari district, and the Semion Baranovski Theoretical Lyceum from the Copceac village, UTA Gagauzia. As many as 1,698 children participated in the education process online.      

A number of 361 primary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums on 27 November suspended their work, as a result of the decisions adopted by local public authorities, because of the heavy snowfall and bad weather conditions from the last Sunday.  



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