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Moldovan president has meeting with members of commission for extraordinary external evaluation of Supreme Court of Justice

18:09 | 28.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 28 November /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today had a meeting with representatives of the commission for external evaluation of the judges and candidates for the office of judge of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), the presidential press service has reported.  

The discussions were focused on Moldova’s commitments as to the justice reform, in the context of the accession to the European Union and fulfilment of the recommendations of the EU’s Commission related to the process of the extraordinary external evaluation.    

The participants in the meeting referred to the actions undertaken in the justice reform so far and the challenges faced in the process of evaluation of the candidates for CSJ. They also discussed the need to observe the schedule agreed upon with EU for the finishing of the exercise of testing the judges’ integrity.    

The head of state stressed that this evaluation was quite important – the fact whether the citizens will regain their trust in the law-enforcement institutions and in the authorities’ efforts to combat the corruption depend on its results.   





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