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Rains forecast in Moldova today evening, glazed frost expected on roads

20:49 | 28.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 28 November /MOLDPRES/ - Rains are forecast in Moldova today starting from 20:00 and glazed frost can appear on roads. In the context, policemen unveiled recommendations for drivers and pedestrians to move in safety.   

According to the General Police Inspectorate (IGP), the precipitation, combined with the negative air temperatures, can trigger difficulties in traffic, as glazed frost may appear on roads.  

In these conditions, law-enforcers recommend that drivers reduce the speed; enhance the attention when driving; keep the distance between vehicles and not brake sharply; signal the manoeuvres and not commit to make dangerous manoevres; be attentive at pedestrians and prove respect for other participants in the traffic.  

Also, policemen recommend that pedestrians make sure that they are seen by drivers when they start to cross the street.



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