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Local administration to use electricity distribution system infrastructure for installation of public lighting

11:42 | 29.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Nov. 29 /MOLDPRES/ - The local public administration will be able to use electricity distribution system infrastructure for the installation of public lighting systems free of charge. A legislative initiative to amend the Electricity Law was considered in the parliamentary committees today.

"This draft law comes in response to the requests of local public administrations regarding the guarantee of the right to use the infrastructure of the electricity distribution system free of charge, for the installation of public lighting systems in common with the electrical distribution network, the installation of video cameras", the informative note of the legislative initiative reads.

The draft law will bring some amendments to the legislation. According to them, the measuring equipment of non-domestic electricity consumers will be able to be installed, metrologically checked and maintained by the distribution system operator, based on regulated tariffs for the provision of services, established by the National Agency for Energy Regulation. Currently, non-household consumers check the metering equipment individually.

The legislative initiative belongs to a group of PAS deputies and is to be examined in the plenary session of the Parliament in the first reading.


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