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Planner of reconstruction of crossing bridges on Chisinau-Orhei-Balti highway nominated

17:10 | 29.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 29 November /MOLDPRES/ - The state enterprise, State Administration of Roads (ASD), today informed that the INJPROIECT office of researchers and designs had been nominated as winner of the contract for the works of designing as to the construction of the crossing bridges placed on the republican road R6, Chisinau-Orhei-Balti, km 11.178, following the public procurement procedure.      

According to ASD, these crossing bridges register enhanced traffic intensity, with a daily average number of 50,000 transport units, while the long-run average is estimated at about 138,000 transport units. ‘’These figures show the strategic importance of these objects and the need of an efficient reconstruction of the crossing bridges, in order to ensure a safe and fluent movement, adapted to the requirements of the continuously growing traffic. The main goal regards the carrying out of designs according to the present technical standards, in the context of the constant increase in the number of vehicles,’’ ASD said.    

The contract’s value is of about 54 million lei (2.7 million euros), with value added tax (VAT) included – money allocated from the Road Fund’s means.  




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