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Chisinau-based Medical University gets grant worth 2 million euros for implementation of FORCE-Farm sub-project

20:55 | 29.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 November /MOLDPRES/ - The Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) has got a grant worth 2 million euros for the implementation of the sub-project, Modernization and strengthening of the education through research in pharmacy and medicine at the Nicolae Testemitanu USMF – FORCE-Farm. The grant was provided within the project, Higher Education in Moldova (phase II), implemented by the Education and Research Ministry (MEC) on the period 2020-2025, with the World Bank’s support.    

The ceremony on the handing of the certificates on the providing of grants took place at the headquarters of the Moldovan State University (USM). The certificate on the financing of the investment sub-project was handed over to USMF Rector, Professor Emil Ceban. He thanked  the government of Moldova and the World Bank for the consistent support of the higher medical and pharmaceutical education in Moldova. Thus, FORCE-Farm is complementary to the first sub-project – Strengthening of the education through research in medicine at Nicolae Testemitanu USMF (FORCE-med) and is aimed at implementing the principle of training through research: beginning with getting the medicine and ending with its use in therapy.     

„The personalized strategies of the pharmaceutical therapy, depending on the patient’s individual features, are essential and represent the basis of the personalized medicine, meant to adapt the fit therapeutic strategy for the person, at an opportune moment, in order to establish the predisposition to the disease in due time,’’ Emil Ceban said.    

The overall value of the investments at the second round of the project, Higher Education in Moldova, is of 10 million euros, from which five universities of Moldova will benefit.   






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