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Moldovan PM meets young people participants in programme of paid probations in public service, implemented by government

18:25 | 29.11.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 29 November /MOLDPRES/ - The first impressions of young students who make their probation in the public service, the challenges, as well as the opportunities provided by the Programme have been discussed at the first meeting of probationers with Prime Minister Dorin Recean, Government’s Secretary General Artur Mija, the deputy secretary, Andrei Strah, and representatives of the department of public office management of the State Chancellery, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.      

PM Dorin Recean thanked the probationers for courage and resolution to contribute to the process of Moldova’s modernization and urged them to continue their work in public institutions also after the probation ends.

„Thank you for having taken the decision to be part of the probation programme, as you represent the future of the public administration. We have a quite clear goal – to edify Europe here, at home, to be part of the European family and this means that we have much work to do. The decision we take at the public institutions affect all citizens of our country, or this means a huge responsibility. You are courageous, as you want to assume this responsibility,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.      

The probationers are interested in the current challenges in the process of Moldova’s accession to the European Union, in the cabinet’s priorities in the process of the country’s modernization and economic development. They also came up with the first impressions, after almost one month following the launch of the programme of paid probations.  

Twenty nine young people participate in the governmental programme of paid probations in the public service, launched by the government for the first time ever. The probationers work at the Parliament’s Secretariat, President’s Apparatus, State Chancellery and ministries and receive a monthly scholarship of 3,000 lei.    



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