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Moldovan deputy PM signs order on resignation of 112 Service

19:37 | 29.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 November /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development and Digitalization Minister Dumitru Alaiba has signed the order on the dismissal of the National Single Service for Emergency Calls 112, Liviu Oboroc.  

„Several minutes ago, I signed the order on the dismissal of the director of the 112 Service. This is a tragedy from which we must draw conclusions on how such a service works and should work. And we have more examples in more advanced countries, where this service is really efficient and does not deal only with the transmission of the information from one place to another, but fulfills its basic duty, which is to help, to save citizens in dangerous, complicated situations,’’ Deputy PM Dumitru Alaiba said at a TV programme.     

Prime Minister Dorin Recean today demanded the resignation of the director of the 112 Service, after following the bad weather in the end of the last week two persons were found dead in a vehicle stuck in snow drifts nearby the Coscalia village, Causeni district.   



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