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National Hydrometeorological Data Fund to be set up in Moldova

12:50 | 30.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Nov. 30 /MOLDPRES/- National Hydrometeorological Data Fund will be set up in Moldova. Parliament adopted a draft law in the second reading today.

The document provides for the creation of a legal framework regarding the meteorological and hydrological activity necessary for the sustainable socio-economic development of the country, as well as the prevention and minimization of the impact of meteorological and hydrological phenomena dangerous to human life, property and state security.

The document sees the principles on the basis of which the meteorological and hydrological activity will be carried out, the duties and responsibilities of the central and local public authorities.

The new law also provides for the establishment of the National Hydrometeorological Data Fund, through which the public will have free access to meteorological and hydrological data and information, as well as the possibility to receive specialized information.

At the same time, the establishment of a meteorological and hydrological monitoring system is forecast to monitor meteorological and hydrological conditions, phenomena and processes of interest to Moldova. The system will comprise the national network and the additional network of meteorological and hydrological observations.


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