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Border Police, General Inspectorate for Migration received 37 cars

13:38 | 30.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, Nov. 30 /MOLDPRES/- Border Police and General Inspectorate for Migration (IGM) received 37 cars today.

Minister of Internal Affairs Adrian Efros said that 30 cars were donated to the Border Police, and another seven are for IGM.

"Equipping the Border Police and IGM with cars will increase mobility and institutional capacities in ensuring border security and efficient management of the flow of migrants. We thank the partners for the continuous contribution and for the sustainable collaboration for the benefit of the citizens", said Adrian Efros.

Head of the European Union Delegation to Chisinau, Ambassador Jānis Mažeiks said that the donation will support the subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in their daily activities. "This support demonstrates the support and care for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova and comes in support of the refugees," said the official.

The vehicles were purchased as part of the project Supporting the protection, transit, voluntary and informed return and reintegration of the Eastern Partnership citizens and third-country nationals affected by the conflict in Ukraine. The donation has a total value of around one million euros.





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