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Over 2,000 vacant jobs displayed at Job Fair in Moldovan capital

17:40 | 30.11.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 30 November /MOLDPRES/ - About 50 employers from diverse activity sectors made available over 2,000 vacant positions at the Job Fair held in Chisinau today. The event is organized by the National Employment Agency (ANOFM) and the general employment department of the Chisinau municipality.   

People looking for jobs, including refugees from Ukraine, were invited to the event. Vacant jobs from the public nourishment industry, sales, banks and finances, accounting, IT, real estate, public sector, etc. were proposed at the fair.   

At the event, the secretary general of the Labour and Social Protection Ministry, Alexandru Iacub, said the fair presented opportunities both for employers and for the Ukrainian citizens who are looking for jobs. ‘’The ministry provides, through ANOFM, subsidies for employers and unemployed people. These measures are meant to back the authorities’ efforts and to facilitate people’s employment. At the same time, we encourage citizens to come to the nearest employment office available in each district, in order to benefit from support for employment,’’ Alexandru Iacub said.        

The general employment department of the Chisinau municipality made available information on 5,000 jobs registered in the database.   

The participants in the event presented also the concept of the mobile teams, which implies trips by ANOFM representatives to more far away rural settlements, in order to inform and promote services and measures of occupation closer to citizens, including people from Ukraine. This project of mobile teams is an initiative of ANOFM, developed with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Moldova, which is to be piloted in four districts of Moldova and is aimed at enhancing the rate of employment of the active population, as well as of refugees from Ukraine. To this end, ANOFM and the Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova today signed an agreement on cooperation, in order to enhance citizens’ access to the labour market.      

Another goal of the fair is to facilitate the employment of people refugees from Ukraine. Thus, more Ukrainian citizens showed openness to find a job or to provide services on the labour market of Moldova. On this purpose, HEKS/EPER Moldova organizes a roundtable for local and Ukrainian craftsmen, during which they discuss possibility to start a small business. Also, the fair’s visitors can buy works made by craftsmen.   

The event is held at ANOFM’s initiative, in cooperation with UNDP Moldova, with financing provided by the governments of Switzerland, Japan, United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration.   












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