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Moldovan agriculture minister heard in parliament

18:11 | 30.11.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 30 November /MOLDPRES/ - Agriculture Minister Vladimir Bolea was heard in parliament today. He explained the lawmakers the situation in the agricultural sector.  

The hearing of the agriculture minister was demanded by the Bloc of Communists and Socialists.   

Vladimir Bolea said that Moldova’s agriculture was in a difficult situation, triggered by more factors: drought, lack of sales market, low prices.  

„To a great extent, this situation is explained by the following reasons: there were numerous drought conditions in south of Moldova and we have economic agents which have damage and inspection certificates  at the Commission for Emergency Situations (CSE) and now they will go to the Chamber of Commerce, at a proposal by the Agriculture Ministry. So far, 15 applications have been submitted, so that force majeure certificates from CSE are issued to them,’’ the minister noted.    

Bolea also said that the producers of cereals from Moldova had a non-sustainable activity from the economic viewpoint and their great majority produce cereals exclusively for export and the prices are not dictated by Moldova, but by exchanges.  

„If we include the same cereals in another value chain – miller’s trade, bread-making, then we would have another result. If we include the same cereals in another value chain – animal breeders, meat producers and their sale, you would see a completely other result. If we include at least in the process of feeding the animals and sale of eggs and fowl, you will see another result. These are the value chains which we promote. As the answer to the settlement of the pretty difficult situation of the cereals producers is in the fact that they sell at very low prices,’’ the minister said.       

The agriculture minister said that the state must come up with targeted solutions and the authorities would discuss with representatives of banks and non-bank sector the initiation of preventive measures, in order to avoid the bankruptcy of the farmers hit by the lack of harvest.  



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