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Runoff election of repeated voting for election of mayor takes place in Aluatu village, Taraclia district of Moldova

14:51 | 03.12.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 3 December /MOLDPRES/ - The runoff election of the repeated voting for the election of the mayor is held in the Aluatu village, southern Taraclia district, today.   

One polling station was opened in the settlement, with 770 voters included in the basic electoral lists. The citizens can exercise their right to vote during 07:00-21:00. As many as 768 ballot papers were printed for this ballot.    

At least 20 per cent of the number of people registered in the electoral lists should participate in the polls, for them to be declared valid.   

Following the organization of the general local elections on 5 November this year, decision-makers found out that a voter turnout of less than one fourth of the number of people registered in the electoral lists was recorded in eight settlements of Moldova, including the Aluatu village, Taraclia district. After the holding of the repeated voting on 19 November 2023, in this settlement, none of the three candidates for the office of mayor picked up more than a half of the number of the validly expressed votes, in order to be elected in the first round of the ballot, which led to the organization of the runoff election.     



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